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calming the chaos™

mindset coaching for the bar exam

how mindset coaching can help you pass the bar

Watch this conversation with June for details.

Personal Coaching

From a Celebration Bar Review Coach

4-30 Minute Video Calls

Recorded For Your Review

Mindset Strategies

Hands On Guidance

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An incredible learning experience

Master the Challenges of Calming the Chaos

Improve your Mindset for the bar exam

During your 4 coaching conferences with certified Mindset Expert, June Foret, you’ll discover the tools to get the most out of all of your Bar Exam study. You'll learn:

Develop a better study mindset

Learn and apply better tools for stress management during bar study and exam

Calm your inner voice and learn how to listen to your own wisdom

Master your resilient mindset to overcome doubt and disappointment

How to avoid feeling like a "victim" and instead take control

What's holding you back from your true potential and how to move ahead with confidence!

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Hi, I'm June

Certified Mindset Group Coach, Celebration Bar Review

I'm the resident "Fairy Godmother" and Mindset Group Coach here at Celebration Bar Review. I am a CMC- Certified Mindset Coach with an emphasis on Therapeutic Art- accredited UC-09W0FMR1

For the past several years, I've been leading MindSet Group Coaching at Celebration Bar Review. In those coaching calls, I've learned how important a proper outlook is for almost every bar taker and I've shared strategies and tips that helped many of our students pass the bar! I'll be bringing those successful ideas to you in our 4 personal mindset coaching conferences. We'll focus on your individual challenges and help you take control of your mind and your study.

I look forward to working with you!

You have questions. We have answers.

Want to know more about the Calming the Chaos™ Conferences?

Watch the Video at the top of this page and check out the FAQs below for more details.

How long are the conferences?

Each conference is 30 minutes long. You schedule the call using our calendar program to assure a convenient time. The calls are Zoom Video Conferences and are recorded so you can review the call as often as you wish. The package includes 4 coaching sessions.

What can I expect to learn from these conferences?

You'll learn how to manage and control your mindset while you study for the bar. June has the experience and the tools to help any bar taker overcome the challenges of improving their mindset for quality study!

When is the best time to add this coaching?

You can add this coaching at any time, but we think it's most helpful earlier in your studies. This coaching can help provide a foundation for your study and give you the confidence to move forward as you progress through the course.



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Calm and Health Paraliminal Pack

4 Paraliminal Recordings to help you remain calm and healthy while you study for the Bar Exam. These digital audio files will assist you in combatting anxiety, overwhelm and health corncerns
[[6500 | currency]]

Resiliency for the Bar Exam™

Failed the Bar Exam? How do you recover? In this program you learn the mental strategy to recover and surge ahead from disruptive changes and setbacks, and... You will get the proven formula to getting more done, of higher quality, in new ways, with less help, in less time, with less money, in a constantly changing world. Resiliency includes eight audio sessions with four Paraliminal sessions and a comprehensive 66-page digital PDF course manual.
[[12500 | currency]]

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