44 Classes
From the bar exam experts
150+ Lessons
Covering every topic on the exam
250 Hours
Course time
Make the NEXT California Bar Exam Your LAST Exam!®
"Your new course platform is amazing! You hit a homerun! It is so user-friendly, and I love not having to keep up with so many passwords. Now, instead for each newly purchased resource, it is conveniently added to my modules. So I can now quickly find my current assignment and listen multiple times to a lecture during my one-hour commute to and from work, on breaks at work, or when I want quick access to get started on an assignment at home.
Thanks for always thinking of ways to help us prepare and pass the bar exam!"
Complete digital outlines for every subject of the California Exam and MBE plus targeted video and audio lectures to emphasize areas of importance
Substantive outlines of the law for every Subject on the Multistate and California Bar Exam.
Audio and Video Lectures for Every Subject on the Multistate and California Bar Exam to tie concepts together and master the test
Step-by-Step Study Plan to keep you focused and on-track. Flexible enough to meet any need!
Writing Workshops to show you the Proven, Effective Way to the Highest Scores on your Essays and Performance Tests.
Identify and learn key question patterns to deepen your knowledge with practice on actual California Essay Exams, Performance Tests, and Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) questions.
Essay and Performance Test Writing Workshops with model answers and step-by-step instruction
MBE Practice and Strategies using 2100 actual Questions via online app for realistic and helpful practice
Model and Sample Answers plus Drafter Point Sheets used by the Graders so you can see what is passing California work - and what isn't
Jackson started his California Bar Exam coaching after a successful teaching career at Georgetown University Law Center. Successfully passing the Bar on his first try, he led a national division of SMH Bar Review and then began Celebration Bar Review. Jackson left SoCal in 2015 and now resides in central Florida and remains familiar with every aspect of the California bar exam!
“In 30 years of teaching the Bar, I've never seen a tougher time for bar takers than right now.
But with the proven techniques we've developed for retakers, we are confident that we can help anyone pass the California Bar Exam, no matter how many times you've been unsuccessful before.
Click the button to schedule a FREE no-obligation call with me to discuss the California Success Course and how we can help you pass your California exam.”
As the founder of Celebration Bar Review, Jackson has personally guided thousands of California bar takers to success. His focus on repeat bar takers and non-traditional students has established his reputation as the "California bar exam whisperer."
Jackson brought innovations to California bar study that remain unique in bar prep. The use of tools like PhotoReading, Paraliminals, Selective Intuition, and audio meditation remains the gold standard for bar takers today.
Your Success Begins With 4 Simple Steps:
Our outlines give you the important testable law in easy-to-digest narrative format. Lots of examples and explanations - no frustrating fill in the blanks!
Every subject lecture is presented in a video format with the lecture transcript on the screen. Just listen and follow along for extra reinforcement of the key ideas in each subject!
Thousands of licensed questions and answers for each part of the exam, presented in a progressive, logical form to help learn and refind your understanding of each subject!
Following a proven syllabus, review what you learned throughout the course using mind maps, repetition, and the power of intuition. Go to the California Bar with confidence and pass!
Our CALIFORNIA SUCCESS Course contains EVERYTHING you need to pass the California Bar Exam. This course includes:
100+ hours of on-demand video plus audio only versions
15 downloadable PDF books
Easy to navigate course platform for Step-by-Step direction
2100 licensed MBE questions and answers via online app
400+ actual exam essays and answers
35+ performance tests and answers
Access on mobile devices
California Attorney Exam (1 day) Syllabus
Or make monthly payments with Buy Now, Pay Later
Hear from some of our successful California students on how Celebration Bar Review helped them
Make The NEXT Bar Exam the LAST Bar Exam!®
Check out the case studies below. Just click on the playlist to find the student story you want to watch.
We're so confident that you will pass the Bar Exam with the CALIFORNIA SUCCESS COURSE, that if you fail your exam for any reason, you can continue to study with us at NO CHARGE until you Pass - no matter how long it takes! There are no hidden conditions or requirements...and no other bar review makes this offer!